For the realization of optimum profitable growth we offer the app:
Profitjet AI
© Strategy B2B
It is applicable to :
- Profitable Growth Enterprise Management B2B (ProEnterprise B2B)
- Profitable Growth Strategy B2B (ProStrategy B2B)
- Profit & Sales Pipeline Management B2B (ProSPLM B2B)
- Profit & Pricing Management B2B (ProPricing B2B)
- Profit & Business Process Management B2B (ProBPM B2B)
Profitjet AI for Profitable Growth Optimization
For profitable growth optimization Profitjet AI uses the proprietary AI-engine
- Profitable Growth OptimAIzer (ProOptimAIzer)
which belongs to the class of AI-powered prescriptive analytics solutions
Profitjet AI interfaces with enterprise IT systems ( typically: ERP, CRM, BI etc. [e.g. SAP, Microsoft, SalesForce]) from which it imports master data and transaction data.
Profitjet AI determines optimal sets of next best actions for achieving profitable growth according to growth targets
- deal by deal
- sales rep by sales rep
- channel by channel
- 24/7
The Profitable Growth next best actions* are for output to configurable dashboards and scorecards. Profitjet AI builds optimal profit & sales pipelines, resulting in on-plan order entry and profit.
Profitjet AI uses highly effective methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning, such as
- Supervised Learning
- Unsupervised Learning and
- Reinforcement Learning
Profitjet AI typically runs productively with corporate IT systems after a few weeks.
Profitjet AI for Profitable Growth Analysis and Forecasts
For the profitable growth analysis and forecasts Profitjet AI uses the proprietary app
- Profitable Growth Analyzer (ProAnalyzer)
ProAnalyzer imports the master and transaction data from your company’s ERP, CRM and BI systems, harmonizes their data quality and performs the analyses and forecasts relevant to Optimal Profitable Growth in available perspectives such as
- Market-to-Order (M2O) : segments, customers, deals, ,arketing, pricing, sales pipeline, sales force
- Order-to-Cash (O2C) : assets, processes, operations
- Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) : suppliers, purchased items
- Idea-to Market (I2M) : innovation, products
- Cash-to-Profit (C2P) : finance, cash flows, income stmt, balance sheeet, onvestments, risk
- Soft Skills & Intelligence : HR, management, IT
- Organization : corporate, business unit, profit center etc.
Multivariate methods from Diagnostic Analytics and Predicitve Analytics are used to diagnose and predict variables and metrics / KPIs that depict profitable growth.
Analysis and forecast reports can be generated on demand or automatically and in various formats (from SQL to PPT, etc.).
It is an optional, nevertheless good practice to mirror the results of the quantitative analysis against a qualitative, interview-based analysis.
Profitjet AI flyer
Download a Profitjet AI flyer here : Profitjet AI flyer