Corporate Strategy

Boost your corporation’s profitable growth by means of an effective corporate strategy consisting of components like :

Financing and Investment Strategy
Corporate strategy involves decisions related to financing and investment. This strategy defines how the company will secure capital, manage financial resources, and allocate funds to various projects or initiatives, considering factors like risk tolerance and return on investment.

Resource Strategy
Resource strategy outlines how the organization will manage its key assets, including human resources, technology, and infrastructure, to achieve its long-term goals. It aims to optimize resource allocation and utilization for maximum efficiency.

Portfolio Strategy
Portfolio strategy is about managing a range of products, services, or business units within the company. It involves decisions on which elements of the portfolio to invest in, divest from, or maintain to ensure a balanced and competitive product mix.

Business Strategies
Business strategies are the specific plans that support the corporate strategy. They detail how each business unit or division will achieve its objectives, including market positioning, competitive advantage, and operational tactics, all while aligning with the overarching corporate goals.

Transformation Strategy
Corporate transformation strategy is a comprehensive and purposeful plan aimed at fundamentally reshaping an organization’s structure, operations, culture, or offerings to adapt to changing market conditions or achieve strategic objectives

How to make your Company grow profitably (faster and better …)

The three basic steps towards optimum profitable growth (OPG) of your business

  • know-how transfer related to OPG 
  • design of a company specific OPG programme and OPG management system
  • realization of OPG

are supported by Strategy B2B with 

  • expert services such as seminars / webinars, workshops, coachings, projects and interim management
  • digital services such as Advanced Analytics & Artificial Intelligence based design and optimization.

Corporate Strategy Expert Services and Digital Services

Professional corporate strategy beyond mainstream – our expert services and digital services :

Professional corporate strategy know-how will be transferred to your executive management team by means of the seminar / webinar :

  • Corporate Strategy 

Duration : 1 day

Participants : C-level executive management team consisting of e.g. CEO, CFO, CSO, CIO, head of business unit

Delivery format : exclusively as inhouse seminar or online

Programme : download

Location : your enterprise or a business hotel of choice (e.g. in Überlingen / Lake Constance) or online

Professional corporate strategy know-how will be delivered and applied to the case of your enterprise in the course of the workshop

  • Corporate Strategy for ‚My B2B Enterprise‘

Duration  : 1 day

Participants : C-level executive management team consisting of e.g. CEO, CFO, CSO, CIO, head of business unit

Delivery format : exclusively as inhouse workshop

Programme : download

Location : your enterprise or a business hotel of choice (e.g. in Überlingen / Lake Constance)

Professional corporate strategy know-how for the individual executive will be delivered in the format 

  • Executive Coaching ‚Corporate Strategy‘

Delivery format : Individual coaching

Participants : individual C-level executives e.g. CEO, CFO, CSO, CIO, head of business unit

Duration : according to mutual agreement

Programm : according to mutual agreement 

Location : according to mutual agreement, typically off-site (e.g. business hotel in Überlingen / Lake Constance)

Your corporate strategy will be designed ‚computer-aided‘ based on digital business data (master data, target data, transaction data from ERP, CRM, BI etc.) using methods from Big Data, Advanced Analytics & Artificial Intelligence and Strategy B2B digital tools and apps

  • Quantitative analysis of your business’s current corporate strategy by means of ProAnalyzer
  • Quantitative development of business potentials, strategy alternatives and strategy options
  • Quantitative strategy optimization by means of ProOptimAIzer
  • Derivation of strategy implementation (programmes, projects, processes, performances, actions etc.)

We escort and support the realization and the successful implementation of your corporate strategy until the achievement of the strategic objectives

  • Corporate Strategy Implementation

Duration : according to mutual agreement

Programm : according to mutual agreement

We support you in the design and implement your corporate strategy in your corporation through interim management

  • Corporate Strategy Interim Management

Duration : according to mutual agreement

Content : according to mutual agreement 



Contact us :

We will inform you in detail in person.


Last but not least 

There are three types of enterprises

  • those who make things happen
  • those who watch things happen
  • those who wonder what happens

Phil Kotler