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Profitable Growth : the Challenge
Profitable Growth is both an imperative and a challenge for the B2B corporation. Shareholder requirements for growing returns at shrinking risks exist during normal economy as well as during and post economic crisis.
Common, non digital management techniques have often shown poor return results, as they struggle to deliver robust performance in face of complex, dynamic and uncertain market environments.
Analyze – OptimAIze – Profitize : the Solution
The digital service
Analyze – OptimAIze – Profitize (AOPro)
enables executive managers (CEO, CFO, CSO … ) to ignite and realize optimum Profitable Growth.
AOPro applies advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to your digital corporate data.
AOPro adresses and optimizes key business perspectives as being relevant for profitable growth :
from data to insights to actions in marketing & sales, operations & management
to results and returns in corporate finance
AOPro starts from a data-based multi-perspective enterprise profitable growth analysis (based on transaction data from ERP, CRM etc. [e.g. SAP, Microsoft, SalesForce or the like]).
Subsequent steps determine profitable growth forecasts, potentials and optima.
AOPro specifies a ready to implement optimum profitable growth programme, including profitable growth strategy, scorecards and profitable growth management system.
Key profitable growth driving perspectives are
segments, customers
marketing, products, pricing
sales pipeline
sales force
assets, processes
ops, suppliers
financing, investing, risk
IT, innovation,
management system
Analyze – OptimAIze – Profitize : the Results
AOPro delivers the building blocks of profitable growth for your B2B corporation :
profitable growth analysis
profitable growth forecasts
profitable growth potentials
profitable growth optima
profitable growth strategy
profitable growth scorecards
profitable growth management system ( incl. sets of next best actions 24/7 )
profitable growth implementation programme
Analyze – OptimAIze – Profitize : Values and Benefits
Based on the AOPro results your B2B corporation will be ready to :
implement the profitable growth programme
ignite profitable growth
realize profitable growth
Performance gains may be :
Order intake growth** : 5 – 20 %
Contribution margin growth** : 5 – 10 %
(** depending on pre-programme level and on profitable growth programme implementation )
Analyze – OptimAIze – Profitize : Info Brochure
Please click on the picture below to download the brochure >Analyze – OptimAIzer – Profitize<